Have you ever been in such a good zone that nothing could bother you? You’ve finished back to back projects at work, you’ve cleaned your entire house, you even washed you car! Then someone comes along and says something like “Why did you part your hair that way? It makes you look older.”
In the words of Stephanie Tanner…”How Rude!” (If you don’t know who Stephanie Tanner is, you may be too young for this blog, lol.)
You begin to feel…
Self conscious
Do you want to know how to avoid these feelings when dealing with rude people?
I have one word that can change everything for you.
All it takes is implementation and commitment.
Are you ready for my world changing tip?
I mean really ready?
Ok here it goes.
The #1 way to deal with rude people:
Don’t deal with rude people. It’s as simple as that. You are the only one in control of how people affect you. No one else controls that. I’m a firm believer in the transference of energy. As soon as you let someone else’s negative energy into your personal space, it’s all down hill from there.
So I say don’t even deal with these type of people.
Encountering Rudeness
New Acquaintances
If a complete stranger acts this way to you, simply make yourself unavailable. Tell them you have a conference call or a child you have to pickup if your personality is not yet bold enough to just walk away.
Trust me, you want to get out of there as quickly as possible. The longer you hang around these types of people, more rudeness they spew out. They think that they’ve found a partner (or at the very least an audience) in which they can insult people, make poor jokes,etc.
Old Acquaintances
If this person is someone you deal with on a daily basis, I recommend using the Marisa Peer method. Simply say “Thanks for sharing” when they say something negative towards you or say “Can you please repeat what you said?” Most of the time, they will be too embarrassed to say the negative or demeaning comment again.
It’s hard work getting rudeness out of your life. The world we live in can be such a competitive mess that people don’t know how to act towards each other. You have to take an active approach because if not you’ll drown in emotion while everyone else has moved on with their life.
Do you have any approaches you take to rid yourself of these kinds of people? Please share below, what works for you may work for others!
All the best,
Love it! Thank you!
I hope there was some useful information in there. Thanks for always stopping by! 😘
Wish I read this before I saw my grandma yesterday 😒 hate rudeness but I’m never quick enough to say anything back! I hate confrontation also… so these are great tips thank you!