How do you avoid negative energy transference?
The lady at Burger King who is upset that we want to order a veggie burger. The driver who rudely cuts us off on the highway and gives “The Finger” when he passes, the spoiled kids who have a temper tantrum because they can’t have ice cream for breakfast.
Before we know it, we have major anxiety and we are in a bad mood and can’t seem to figure out why?
I’m a firm believer that positive and negative energy transference is REAL. There are many studies and beliefs from around the world that support this. Here are two basic ways that it can happen:
- Transference – Pioneered by Carl Jung
- Characterized as the process of transferring your feelings about a person/situation to a 3rd party, in essence you alter the 3rd party’s perception of another person/situation.
- Physical Contact
- The belief that shaking hands, hugging, kissing or having sex with someone facilitates the absorption of other’s energy. This is when you hear people reference “personal space” (i.e. Seinfeld and Close Talker). If you encounter someone who gets too close to you for your own comfort you definitely need to spend some time rebuilding the boundaries that are necessary for you. However, be careful to not build such a barrier that you are unable to receive love and positive energy from those you care about.
Here are my personal tips on how to make a strong effort to control what you absorb into your psyche.
1) Acknowledge
Recognize that your are feeling “a certain way” even though you can’t figure out why. This could show up in many forms.
- Tightness in your abdomen
- Feeling like you are going crazy
- Feeling like you don’t have “enough time” to accomplish goals
- Becoming anxious to prove, anxious to please
- Loss of appetite
- “Raging” appetite
- Indulging in substances to numb the pain
2) Remove Yourself
It’s crucial that at the very moment you feel uneasy, remove yourself from the situation. It may be a little uncomfortable at first. You may feel as though you are being “rude” or “selfish” but until you get a grasp on how to completely avoid these situations, leaving immediately is a must.
When you leave it is important to have mantras that you recite to yourself. Here are a few I like to use:
- And now, I’ll do what’s best for me.
- Never apologize for looking out for your own best interest.
- No is a complete sentence.
- What’s good for the masses, may not be good for me.
3) Journal
If you really want to change patterns in your life, I believe that you have to remember the patterns. When we write down the negative situations we encounter, over time we will have the opportunity to actually SEE the patterns and which ones affect us the most.
If you really want to take it to the next level, burn the entries after writing and reading them.
4) Meditate
When I meditate, I am sure to spend the first few moments reflecting on which one or two chakras have been affected. Once I have established this I can focus my mediation time on sending as much love energy to these areas as I can in order to stay strong and true to myself.
Practicing these habits will truly take your life to the next level. Stress is toxic and we all have enough reasons in our lives to be stressed. Do yourself a favor and protect your personal space now and forever.
Thank you! I needed this more than I realized and I hope to have the courage and ability to put these into practice.
Tapping head helped too:
-base of head and silently identifying emotional response to another’s emotions (I felt anxious and that I disappointed them)
-back of head (told myself it’s okay that I feel anxious but that I don’t need to. Told myself that it’s them not me and I don’t need to worry….I’m still loved and worthy of it when I try as and fail at something)
-top of head (told self I can do what I need to self-regulate…..go yo sleep with cleared conscious of not doing anything wrong.)
-top to bottom slide on head (told self I am safe and in good standing with the other person. I sent them love and empathy for what they were going through and forgiveness of myself for not being perfect for them in the moment.
Wow, thank you for these tapping techniques. I appreciate you sharing them and I’m going to implement them immediately. Thanks for taking the time to comment!